All lyrics by Joseph

 Song Title:

Until I Break
Eternal Moment

I can't take, my eyes off you
your shinning still in my heart
your laughter, your complete self
takes me into the realm of your bliss
let's go now, far away from here,
i want you to take me away, again...
take me away

here we are now, i see you face to face, again
i'm taking a step back, so i can see your soul, within me

Here I go now, I'm standing in your beaming rays
Coming close to seein' the light of day
I want you to take me away, again and again

I can't take, much more of this
you see me just as your friend
in ways that, I don't wanna be
why must you push me away
from being, close to your heart
This rips me apart

Here I go now, I'm slowly gonna go insane
I'm taken further to my pain
I know that you'll take me away, again and again

Let's go

Here I go now, I am definately insane
Why didn't you take me from this pain
I wanted you to take me away, again and again...

Only Option
The End